Belvidere Township Highway Commissioner

Belvidere Township

Mike Dixon
8200 Fairgrounds Road
Belvidere, IL 61008


rdsignPlease Be Aware of Township Road Crews & Farm Machinery on the Roadways.


Political Sign information, please click Here

Please click here to read about storm clean up


Whose Right of Way is it Anyway?A road's right of way is something often taken for granted, but is more important than one might think. A typical person may recognize a right of way as the driving lanes, shoulders, ditches, and slight corners at intersections. In fact, a right of way is defined by the Illinois Department of Transportation as "the land, or interest therein, acquired for or devoted to a highway," and the Illinois Highway Code's definition of "highway" is even broader, including land bordering the road surface (e.g., ditches, drainage structures, etc.).In all likelihood, a township doesn't own the land on both sides of the highway, but rather has an easement or a right to use the land for highway purposes. That easement is a public right of way. Often times the Road Commissioner has the responsibility to maintain, regulate and control the activities on a public right of way to provide efficient operation of the county road system. This includes the power to cut down or plant trees, expand portions of the road, and add gravel or pave the road without having to ask a specific resident's permission. The Road District may also permit others, such as utility providers, to use the right of way or easement itself for sewer or water lines.


Click here to view Boundry Map

Click here for Google Map of Belvidere Township borders.



What We Do For You:


Beloit Road - 10/28/13 Bike and walk path.

- Maintain, patch and repair township roads, resurface the township roads as needed

- Trim and remove trees in the township right of way

-Plow snow and spread ice control

-Mowing of the township right of way

-Provide and maintain road signs and street lighting

-Issue permits for the installation of culverts, driveways, and overweight vehicles




snfBelvidere Township Snow Removal Ordinance No. 12-08 click here



Road Projects

Spring Road Postings: March 3rd, 2025- Lifted TBA

Spring Road Postings For all belvidere township roads:

rd posting

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