
8200 Fairgrounds Road
Belvidere, IL 61008


Belvidere Township Officials

The Supervisor

"The township supervisor serves as chief executive officer of the township. The supervisor's duties and responsibilites include, but are not limited to, serving as chairman of the township board of trustees, administrator of the general assistance program and treasurer of all town funds."



Bill J. Robertson





The Township Clerk

"The township clerk is responsible for maintaining all township records except for general assistance case files. The clerk's responsibitlies also include posting all public notices on behalf of the township."


Michelle Dixon



The Township Board of Trustees

"Trustees are responsible for approving all township expenses and auditing bills submitted for payment by the highway commissioner."


Kathy Grover


Bernard O'Malley



Jim Culvey


Robert Turner



Highway Commissioner

"The township highway commissioner is responsible for the construction and maintenance of all roads and bridges in the road district."


Mike Dixon

Mike Dixon




The Assessor

"The assessor establishes property values of all parcels in the township. The assessor does not levy taxes. This is the only elected position in Illinois that requires the candidate to undertake formal training before seeking the office."

mike sta

Mike St. Angel



Township government is the oldest form of government in North America, beginning in 1636 and in Illinois in 1848. Belvidere Township began in 1850. There are nine townships in Boone County and these elected officials represent what is most commonly referred to as the government closest to the people. General Assistance, Property Assessment, and Road & Bridge Maintenance are the three basic services provided by our Township. Other services provide a link to the community that includes, but is not limited to, senior citizens programs, youth programs, assistance to the disabled, and cemetery maintenance.


All residents are welcome to attend Belvidere Township Board Meetings, held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 5:00 PM sharp. If you are unable to attend remember my door is always open. Dates are posted on the Calendar page.


Information above was taken from "What's My Job?" published by The Township Officials of Illinois / 2013


All residents are welcome to attend Belvidere Township Board Meetings, held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 5:00 PM sharp with some exceptions.




2025 Board Meetings:


1/14 - 1/28

2/11 - 2/25

3/11 - 3/25

4/8 - 4/22

Annual Town meeting 4/8 @ 6pm lower level

5/13 - 5/27

6/10 - 6/24

7/8 - 7/22

8/12 - 8/26

9/9 - 9/23

10/14 - 10/28

11/4 - 11/25

12/9 - 12/23





Annual Town Meeting - April 8, 2025

6:00 PM Sharp

Lower Level




Jump to top.


Township government is the oldest form of government in North America, beginning in 1636 and in Illinois in 1848. Belvidere Township began in 1850. There are nine townships in Boone County and these elected officials represent what is most commonly referred to as the government closest to the people. General Assistance, Property Assessment, and Road & Bridge Maintenance are the three basic services provided by our Township. Other services provide a link to the community that includes, but is not limited to, senior citizens programs, youth programs, assistance to the disabled, and cemetery maintenance.


A Brief History of Boone County (1835-1900)

Compiled by Anna E. Ralston


It is well established that the settlement of Boone County began in 1835. In that year there were permanent settlers in several of the townships. At that time there was no defined area called Boone County and the townships had numbers but no names.


The townships were very important to the early settlers. They were made up of thirty six sections of land, each section being one mile square. As the settlers filed claims to their land, their purchases were described in the deed as a fraction of a numbered section in a certain numbered township. The need for names for the townships was obvious.



Belvidere Township
